Vision and Mission.

Author: Panthro Fitness | | Categories: Best Gym in Pittsburgh , Exercise Classes , Fitness Bootcamp , Fitness Classes , Group Fitness Trainers , Group Fitness Training , Personal Fitness Trainers , Personal Trainer Pittsburgh , Personal Training , Weight Loss Program

What is your vision? Why is it important to understand what your vision is to find fulfillment in life.

This is not something you can do in a day…It takes years to live and to learn and understand enough about yourself to even try to know what your vision and life mission is. This is not an easy exercise but it will be so worth it when you’re done. It’s going to provide you the clarity you need in order to accomplish your dreams!

This short video will give you direction as to how to write your mission statement. Writing a mission statement is not easy! So I gave you some samples.

Here are some sample mission statements to help you build your personal mission. I got these from the Inspired Personal Development Website.

Templates Of Sample Mission Statements

Here are a few templates that might help to get your thoughts down in writing.

  • “I create valuable [insert your life passion] that energizes me and [state your life purpose]. This amply fulfills my desire for [put in your highest values].”
  • “My purpose of [state life purpose] gives me bountiful inner reward and immense joy through [insert your life passion]. Expressing my highest personal values of [state core values] while doing this greatly uplifts me.”
  • “Through daily living my passion of [insert life passion] my heart is fulfilled with my sense of [personal core values]. Providing this [state highest purpose], I am deeply grateful for being given these gifts to share.”
  • “By [state your passion], I am joyfully fulfilling my greatest purpose of [insert highest purpose]. I am so thankful to provide value by living in line with my top personal core values of [list top priority values ].”
  • “Through acting with [state top personal core values], I am positively [state highest purpose]. I love manifesting these rewarding results through [state greatest passion].”
  • “I eagerly [state your passion] and proudly express myself with [list top priority core values]. This creates valuable [state highest purpose] which I am extremely grateful to be a part of.”

Examples Of Mission Statements

  • “I love creating popular informative websites that help to educate people about health issues. The sites generate abundant ongoing passive income to provide me with freedom and financial abundance.”
  • “My love of animals combined with my deep compassion for people with sight disabilities, drives me to train dogs as companions for the blind. This assists those with sight impairments to gain greater independence, adding value to their lives, and fulfilling me with a sense of contribution.”
  • “With a love of health and physical activity, and a heartfelt intention to encourage healthy interactive family relationships, I operate a fun, friendly business installing private swimming pools in suburban homes.”


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